The Story

The Factory is a story about Allie, a college student kidnapped by shadowed figures and thrown into a massive industrial complex beyond her understanding. She must find a way out while staying one step ahead of the Factory's many horrors, and if possible, root out the mysteries at the bottom of all this.

The story is 100 updates long, spread over 226 standard pages with a total of over 91,000 words.

The story is written in a choose-your-own adventure format and was run over Discord on the MTU Huskies Discord server. The story was completed on March 29th, 2020, and will no longer be updating.

Clockwork Sun
Clockwork Sun


Full Story - Read the entire story here, as it was originally written. I may eventually do something publishing-related with this story, so a novelized version may be released sometime.
VitaBand 3 FIS Changelogs - Information on upgrading the VitaBand 3 to the FIS version.
The Factory Rail Map - A transit map of the Factory's rail system.