So what's all this then?

Well, it's a website. But you knew that already.
The real questions are more to the tune of "why is it here? What does that quote up top mean? Who are you, really, and why do you have a website at all? What, in essence, is all this then?"

Well, most of those questions can be answered in the About Me and About This Site links in the navigation bar up top. I'm just a home screen; don't expect too much detail from me.
But to be brief, the answers in order are:

  • This website is here to serve as a place to put things I make so I and others can easily find them.
  • The quote up top doesn't really mean anything; I thought it up on the spot when I realized I wanted a subtitle.
  • Hi, I'm Shaun and I have a website because I thought it would be fun and a good way to learn things.
  • What's all this then? Interesting, I hope.

Clockwork Sun
Clockwork Sun

Technology and Computers

I like technology. In fact, I like it enough to build my own website.
But I do other things with computers as well. This website is self-hosted on a server I could kick as I'm writing this if I wanted to (don't worry, I won't). I work in my University's IT department, I write code, I use Linux sometimes. I like technology. If you want to hear more about my setup and what I think about technology, the Tech tab on the navigation bar has got you covered.

Education and Teaching

I'm a teacher ... ish.
I'm a student in my University's teacher education program, which means I'm going to be a teacher when I graduate. This section of the site, accessible through the Education link in the navigation bar, includes my thoughts on education and schools, lesson plans and other materials, as well as (eventually) excerpts from my teacher portfolio - basically a resume but longer.
Clockwork Sun
Clockwork Sun

Media and Creativity

I make things. I bet you do too.
I like to write novels and short stories, make short films, and take pictures. Some of the best things I've made in those mediums can be found under the Work tab on the navigation bar. Eventually I hope to teach a class on media productions, but we'll see how that goes after I graduate.

Words and Other Neat Things™

I have opinions on things. (Here's a hint: most people do).
If you haven't had enough of me in your time on the rest of the site, you can read my ramblings in the Blog link on the navigation bar. I probably won't post very frequently, but you can expect occasional posts about the site, my interests, and other random things.
Clockwork Sun