
This site serves as a central repository for all the things I make and want to share.
That's its main purpose. At some point, if there's demand, I might add a login system or comment boxes or something, but for now it's just a place to store the things I make and want to share.

For examples of the kinds of things I may post here, head over to the About Me page or just go take a look around! An RSS feed is under consideration and may be added later.

Clockwork Sun

Privacy and Security

I take privacy and security seriously. If you're interested, feel free to read the full Privacy and Security Policy. I'll summarize here, but if you have any questions, read the full thing before emailing in.
Privacy - I self-host this website so no third-party analytics or ads should be appearing on any of these pages. I may at some point add analytics to the site with the sole intent of determining usage stats, not tracking individual users. If I do decide to add analytics, this decision will be announced well in advance. I do not currently record any data from users of this website, period.
Security - All connections to this website are secured by TLS (https) so all data sent and received is encrypted and private, aside from the initial DNS lookup and handshake. If and when I decide to add logins, I will ensure all user passwords are salted and hashed, and never stored or transmitted in plaintext. I use a firewall, heuristic connection-blocking, and strong passwords - among other things - to ensure it's as difficult as I can make it to hack into the server this site runs on. I stay up to date on known vulnerabilities and keep the system updated to mitigate them.
Contact - If you have any questions or concerns regarding security or privacy, or if you have discovered a security flaw / data breach, please contact admin@clockworksun.com and we will address the issue or question as soon as possible.


If you like email, here's a list of addresses and the purpose of each.
  • contact@clockworksun.com - This is the general purpose email for the website. If you have a non-critical question, want to get in contact with website staff, or have a request, use this address.
  • admin@clockworksun.com - This is the administrative email for the website. If something's broken, if you need help, or if you have an issue, send an email to this one.
  • alerts@clockworksun.com - This is a publicly-joinable mailing list that will send out alerts when the server is down or undergoing planned maintenance. Join this list if you'd like to know when something is broken or when maintenance is going to happen. Since I'm too cheap for GSuite, it's actually a normal Google Groups list that alerts@clockworksun.com forwards to.
Clockwork Sun


I make most of what you see on this site, from the code to the pictures to the text. That's part of the point - so I can learn about web development and other neat things. But I didn't make everything myself. Here's a list of people and organizations that contributed assets that make this site what it is today.
  • Abby Kirk - She made the main logo for the site, visible here.
  • w3schools - I had to learn a lot about HTML and CSS to make this site, and this is one of the main places I did so. Also, I'm using their free CSS stylesheets for much of the styling on the site.
  • Font Awesome - They make neat little text-image hybrids like the search icon, dropdown arrow, and the stuff in the footer. All through CSS stylesheets.
  • Google - You may have heard of these guys. Google is my domain registrar as well as providing a nice free group infrastructure for email lists. If you're curious, look up Google Domains and Google Groups.