The Story

Dungeon Delvers is a story about a group of hapless adventurers exploring an ancient magitech-infused dungeon. Our group consists of Crumpet, a massive ogre searching for his missing brother; Dave, a powerful but partially senile wizard who is worryingly fond of setting things on fire; Maiele, a young elementalist trying to prove that she doesn't have to be the healer her parents want her to become; and Iofodil, a dangerous assassin with a hidden agenda. Together, this ragtag crew will encounter deadly traps, fight horrifying monsters, and uncover hidden secrets. And who knows; perhaps there's some treasure waiting at the end of all this!

The story is written in a choose-your-own adventure format and was run over Discord on the Clockworksun Stories Discord server. The story was completed on May 3rd, 2021, and will no longer be updating.

Clockwork Sun
Clockwork Sun


Full Story - Read the entire story here.
Characters - The party's stats and other relevant information.
Rules - How the party's stats and your choices affect the story.