The Story

Amira Station is a story about, well, Amira Station: a massive space station orbiting a dying star. Euvi, a maintenance worker who was born and raised inside the bowels of the station without ever meeting another human being, is among the first to notice things starting to fall apart, but others aren't far behind. Claril Hvet, an astrophysicist working on the station topside, starts to question what's really going on here when Ifan X'deven, an officer of the Galactic Federation, arrives to investigate rumored corruption and wrongdoing. As the station's collapse accelerates, priorities must be put in order to determine what - and who - will survive.

The story is written in a choose-your-own adventure format and was run over Discord on the Clockworksun Stories Discord server. The story was completed on March 11th, 2023, and will no longer be updating.

Amira Station cover image
Amira Station alternate cover image


Full Story - Read the entire story here.